How to Change Brita Filter?
How to Change Your Brita Filter in 4 easy-to-do steps. It takes your Tap water and converts it into Brita Filtered Water. The below article will attempt to assist you in How to change Brita water filter?
Your water filter pitcher can be ready to use in a few steps. Wash your hands before touching the filter, then follow the steps below.
Step 1:
Flush the Brita filter with cold water for 15 seconds.

Step 2:
Insert the Brita water filter into the reservoir, line up the notch in the Brita pitcher with the groove in the filter, and Press Firmly.

Step 3:
Press firmly on the Brita water filter to ensure a tight seal.

Step 4:
After changing the filter, fill the reservoir with cold tap water. It is normal for carbon dust to appear in your first three pitchers. Discard the first three pitchers by watering your plants. Do not waste the water!

For best results, store the Brita Pitcher Mug/Jug in your refrigerator or away from direct sunlight.
A commonly asked question:
How often should I change or replace the Brita Filter? or How long does a Brita filter last?
Answer: You should replace the Brita water filter every 40 gallons (151 liters) or every 2 months. This is the recommended replacement time frame.
Click here to view and price the Replacement Water Brita Filter.
Click here to view and price the Brita Water Filter Pitcher Mug Jug.
As can be seen, it is very simple to change or replace your Brita filter in just 4 easy steps. Start drinking healthier, great-tasting Brita Filter water today.